When we got up the mountains were shrouded in dark clouds,
we decided it was hardly worth being on a boat if it was raining and we
couldn’t see the scenery.
We made it as far down as George Cloony’s house but sadly he
wasn’t on the balcony waving so we turned around, looked at the time and
realised we didn’t have long to get the boat back, so it was full throttle all
the way home. The kids lay down and dozed while Granma braced herself, trying
to look relaxed!
Rich and I took control and got us home with 10 mins to
spare, just enough to sort out bags, Granma to get dressed properly &
generally organise ourselves before we took it in. A great time was had and we
all came back needing a sleep!
But hey you can sleep when you’re dead right? So we headed
for the beach, Ed & Amelie played at dam building in the river with Granma
& Grandad while Rich & I lay down and chilled on the beach.
After a while, Rich took Amelie up river to a waterfall
which she could jump off – perfect!
Later, Ed was busy digging in the sand so Amelie, Granma and I took the
opportunity to have the ice creams we missed out on yesterday – yum!
Then it was off to the tent for baked beans sausages &
fried eggs – followed by pancakes. I say pancakes, but apparently my frying pan
no longer works, so they were more like Kaiser Schmarn without the Kaiser! Mum
had a go, better but still the pan was condemned, looked like someone had been
using the scourer on it too much, wonder who that could’ve been?
That evening at about 10 there were meant to be fireworks,
so we headed down to the beach and we waited, and we waited, they had a disco
going on but everyone was too busy watching for fireworks. Hundreds of boats,
zooming across the bay with their red and green lights blazing, almost as
exciting as fireworks.
The fireworks, when they finally started were spectacular;
it seemed to go on for hours. They had amazing ones which looked like a planet
with another orbiting it, others like universes exploding into different
colours, ones which made a heart shape then huge fountains.
There’s nothing better than fireworks over the sea, the
reflections in the water, the bangs echoing off the mountain side.
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